
To all our friends and community, 

I begin this first Campo blog during trying times. While we are eager to launch our sleepwear collection, and dress you all impeccably well for bedtime (and any other time), we are also very aware of the circumstances surrounding us and everyone in the world today. I am no medical expert, and am not here to give any medical advice, but am here writing as a friend, as a confidante, to offer some positive emotional support and some advice on what has in the past worked for me in other trying times to get to sleep.

Sleep is an essential part of life, it is essential to our body and brain function and to our immunity. The recommended 8 hrs of sleep, I find more and more to be the basis for any day. But how do we get there? How do we turn off our ever busy minds full of worrying thoughts and slip off into dream land? Here are our tips to getting to sleep and staying there. 

1. Exercise, preferably first thing in the morning. I feel I am most productive and far more relaxed all day after a morning workout. 

2. Drink plenty of water and natural caffeine-free teas throughout the day. 

2. Eat a light dinner and stop eating by 7pm. Give your digestive system enough time to work prior to getting to bed. Avoid alcohol. 

3. Draw yourself a nice warm bath an hour after dinner, preferably with Epsom salts. Empson salts I find not only help to relax but release muscle tension and stress, alleviating any pain caused by your daily workouts. At least 20 minutes soaking. I tend to spend well over an hr. 

4. Slip into your favorite Campo nightgown, of course (wink). Imagine the finest bed sheet wrapped around your body, this is what our organic cotton batiste nightgown or pajama set will feel on. Yes, all of our pieces in the current collection are made of 100% GOTS organic cotton. 

5. I take a lemon balm supplement (also known as Melissa officialis) every night right before bed. Lemon balm is an herb from the mint family. Lemon balm seems to have a calm, sedative effect. It might also reduce the growth of some viruses. Please consult with your health care professional if this is appropriate for you. 

6. Get into bed. If you are used to mediation this is the time to do it. If you are not, there are tons of guided meditation apps or videos. I am privy to 'Insight Timer'. I began using noise-cancelling head sets to really drown out any other inside or outside noises and focus intently on what is being said. The risk here is that you will fall asleep with them on. Try to start with a 10 minute meditation, work yourself up to 30. Focus on your breath to concentrate. 

An extra step is to use a journal to jot down any feelings, concerns you are having before the day ends. Writing out your feelings and working them out really helps calm your mind. 


Sweet Dreams to all, 


With love,



Please leave us a comment, if you have tried any of this and it worked for you or if you have any other suggestions.


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